Category: Health

14-year-old boy dies as virus outbreak threatens India

Bereits im September 2023 sorgte ein Ausbruch des Nipah-Virus im südindischen Bundesstaat Kerala für Aufregung. Nun hat ein neuer Vorfall für Schlagzeilen gesorgt. Ein 14-jähriger Junge ist kurz nach seiner Diagnose verstorben. Er hatte über 200 Kontaktpersonen. [–> Wie CNN

India criticizes WHO estimates of pandemic deaths

/photo alliance, NurPhoto, Nasir Kachroo New Delhi – Following the publication of World Health Organization estimates (WHO) on deaths caused by the coronavirus pandemic, India strongly criticized him. According to WHO estimates, the pandemic killed 4.7 million people in India

Encephalitis breaks out in India

Encephalitis continues to occur in India. /dpa (archive image) New Delhi – At least 146 children have died from acute encephalitis in northeast India since the beginning of June. Most of the victims in the state of Bihar were under