Berlin – Berlin: 33 cases of virus variant from India detected – Health

Berlin (dpa/bb) – The coronavirus variant, first discovered in India and considered highly contagious, has been detected 33 times in Berlin. A health administration spokesperson said this Friday upon request. It is not possible to obtain reliable information on the development of the proportion of the variant scientifically known as B.1.617 in Berlin. “Overall, this variant is the subject of particular monitoring due to its high potential for propagation,” explained the spokesperson. “The number of cases is likely to increase.”

As of Wednesday, 28 cases had been reported in Berlin. According to the health administration, some of them are travel-related. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently classified the Indian variant as worrying. This also applies to mutants discovered in Great Britain (B.1.1.7), Brazil (P.1) and South Africa (B.1.351). B.1.1.7 has become established in Germany in recent months; The B.1.617 variant continues to spread in Great Britain. Nearly 3,000 cases were known as of Wednesday, 28 percent more than Monday.

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Rosemary Rowse

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