Category: Business

Critical Mineral Mission: Expanding Mining

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced a Critical Mineral Mission in the Union Budget as the country is facing shortages of critical minerals such as lithium, copper, cobalt and rare earths. It is essentially intended to support sectors such as nuclear

India from the perspective of foreign artists

Image description, This 1858 wood engraving by British artist William Carpenter shows Raja Jowaher Singh, a high-ranking official and advisor to the Sikh Empire, together with his attendants. Article information Author, Sudha G Tilak Role, Delhi July 21, 2024, 02:14

India from the perspective of foreign artists

48 minutes ago From Sudha G Tilak, Delhi DGAP This 1858 wood engraving by British artist William Carpenter shows Raja Jowaher Singh, a high-ranking official and advisor to the Sikh Empire, together with his attendants. A new exhibition in Delhi