New Delhi: Days after tech giant Apple asked its employees to resume their posts, the company’s director of machine learning, Ian Goodfellow, quit his job. Zoe Schiffer of The Verge said on Twitter that Ian is leaving the company due to his return to work. Meanwhile, in a note to employees, he said, “I strongly believe that more flexibility would have been the best strategy for my team.”Also read – 100% work from home off the table forever? Infosys, TCS and other IT majors expect 20-50% office staff soon | Deets inside
In layman’s terms, Apple announced last month that the company’s employees would be required to return to the office and be there at least two days a week by May 2 and three days a week by May 23. Also Read: Apple, Google and Microsoft Announce Plans to Expand Support for Passwordless Logins
Apple employees are not happy with the company’s work policy
Disappointed with the company’s new hybrid policy, Apple employees recently wrote a letter to the company’s executive team stating, “Three fixed days in the office and the two days of work from home broken by one day in the office , are almost no flexibility at all.” . Also read – Apple device users pay attention! Company does not accept debit and credit cards for payments in India. Here’s why
Employees stated that forcing them to work in the office is a “great waste of time, mental and physical resources”, does not recognize flexible working and will create a younger, whiter, more masculine, more neurological environment. normative, higher-performing workforce.”
“Sorry boss, accept our resignations instead”
A survey by recruitment firm CIEL HR Services conducted in early March showed that employees are even willing to quit the job if the ability to work from home is withdrawn. Of the 10 respondents, at least 6 were willing to resign rather than return to office.
The survey results, shared with the Economic Times, further showed that an equal number of respondents (from IT, outsourcing, technology startup, consulting, BFSI and business enablement roles across sectors) are willing to accept the offer of a reject higher-paying company jobs that require them to come to the office.
“Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker.”