Pandemic innovation, Indian scientists create contactless technology for elevators – The pandemic has made many people fearful of becoming infected when they have to stay indoors. elevatoreither by other people inside or via the button.

Therefore, an Indian computer scientist, Bhavin Ahir, created a innovation which can be applied to elevators.

Technology This is a system that allows users to operate the elevator without having to touch it. Bhavin said: technology he named it Sparshless.

Launch CNNSaturday (05/09/2020), Bhavin said, this system consists of a panel that is installed next to the existing elevator buttons.

The panel allows users to select floors with their fingers without having to touch them.

Also read: Shopping malls in Thailand use pedals to replace elevator buttons

Elevator users only need to point at each button from a distance of 10 to 15 millimeters.

This movement will trigger an infrared signal and signal the elevator to take the user to their destination.

Other systems are also installed outside the elevator. Bhavin said users only need to point their finger at the up or down button when entering the elevator.

He tested the system on his neighbors. From this test, Bhavin found that the system was not functioning optimally during the day.

The system must also be installed in a way that does not affect the normal operation of the elevator.

Once the problem is solved, the next step is to find customers. To date, the system he created has been installed in 15 buildings in India.

Also read: The elevator in the tallest building in the world has a speed of 600 meters per minute

Besides this system, the pandemic has also produced several other creative innovations. For example, using a special pedal or using a toothpick.

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Jordan Carlson

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