Technological, scientific, social and artistic innovation at the Ganesha Student Innovation Summit 2023

GSIS is an annual event initiated by the student family of Bandung Institute of Technology (KM ITB) to enable students from various schools and universities in Indonesia to develop creative and innovative ideas in various fields. Around 30 works of art are exhibited by ITB students, the Indonesian University of Education (UPI) and the general public.

GSIS 2023 carries the theme “Futurizing sustainability: collaborative revolution” which focuses on revolutionizing multidisciplinary collaboration between technology, business and art as an effort to optimize strategic and sustainable innovation through an inclusive, iterative, creative and advocacy-based innovation process.

Visitors enjoy a variety of exhibits and demonstrations of the latest technologies, inspiring visual arts, business innovation and social projects that support sustainability.

It is hoped that this event can make a real contribution to society in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

“Through art and technology, we imagine a world in which sustainability is not just a word, but also a shared value and the driving force of the global movement for change,” said Felizha, the one of the organizers of the GSIS 2023 exhibition.

In addition to exhibitions, GSIS includes innovation competitions, competitions Business CasesAnd Great Summit as the highlight of the event. It is hoped that each event can be a catalyst to inspire Indonesian students to continue to collaborate and innovate in order to create a positive impact on the country and even the world.

Technological, scientific, social and artistic innovation at the Ganesha Student Innovation Summit 2023

The GSIS 2023 exhibition received a warm welcome from students, teachers, researchers and the general public. This event also received support from various companies, organizations and related parties who are committed to supporting innovation and creativity in Indonesia.

In an atmosphere full of enthusiasm and inspiration, GSIS 2023 became platforms It is important for Indonesia’s younger generation to demonstrate talent, creativity and dedication for a better future. This exhibition offers the opportunity to gain visibility and strengthen innovation that will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the future.

Journalist: Satria Octavianus Nababan (Information Engineering, 2021)

Editor: Mr. Naufal Hafizh

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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