Snowflake helps e-commerce improve cloud data performance

Bisnis.comJAKARTA – Snowflake, business cloud dataintroducing new innovations that can be used by e-commerce local to speed up programming performance.

Sanjay Deshmukh, Snowflake’s Senior Regional Vice President for ASEAN and India, explained that the innovation in question expands data programming capabilities for data scientists (data scientists), data engineer (data engineer), and application developers e-commerce can build quickly and more efficiently cloud data.

According to him, developing an AI strategy must start with developing a data strategy. Currently, the data model revolution is happening very rapidly across various industries, driving innovation and paving the way for the use of generative AI.

“This technology helps businesses take unstructured data and process it using a large language model to then become insight for decision making,” he said in a press release on Friday (10/27/2023).

He said Snowflake is expanding its reach so developers can unlock broader infrastructure options, such as computing acceleration to run more workloads through Snowpark container services.

Using Snowpark Container Services, Snowflake customers also have access to a large catalog of third-party software and applications, including Large Language Models (LLM) notebooks, MLOps tools and more within their account.

Snowpark Container Service further expands the scope of workloads that can be applied to customer data. This gives users the flexibility to create any programming language and deploy it across a wider selection of infrastructures.

Additionally, Snowpark Container Service can be used as part of Snowflake’s native applications (in development), allowing developers to distribute powerful applications that run entirely on their end customers’ Snowflake accounts.

Snowpark Container Service will also allow users to securely run third-party generative model providers such as Reka, directly within their Snowflake account, eliminating the need to expose proprietary data to accelerate innovation.

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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