pastor I R Dr Joseph Madathiparampil turns 85 in Hohenkemnath

In full health, retired pastor Dr. Joseph Madathiparampil in Hohenkemnath on his 85th birthday. In addition to an extremely large crowd of visitors to the church and the Hohenkemnather Kirwamoidln and boys, members of the parish council and church administration, representatives of the community and of clubs and associations with their delegations of flags paid homage to the pastor.

The celebrant was born in Kerala in southern India in 1937 and grew up there with six brothers and four sisters. He attended school in Kerala, where he graduated from high school in 1953. This was followed by two years of university (preliminary studies), from 1955 the seminary, two years of Latin studies , three years of philosophy studies and four years of theology studies before being ordained a priest in Kerala along with more than 100 other young men. . After two years as chaplain in the diocese of Bala, he left for Rome in 1967 for four years. There, Joseph Madathiparampil received his doctorate in philosophy. In 1970, he returned to India and became principal of a vocational college in Kerala. From 1984 to 1990 he worked as a priest in India.

He then went to Germany and in February 1990 took charge of the parish of Gibenbach. From 2000 to 2014 he was also a parish clergyman in Ursulapoppenricht. Since 2012, he has been an honorary citizen of the municipality of Gibenbach and holder of the silver medal of honor of the municipalities of Gibenbach and Hahnbach. His hobbies include hiking and long walks.

He has been a retired pastor in Hohenkemnath since 2014 and lives in the presbytery. It celebrates a variety of services. This was also the case last Sunday when he celebrated his 85th birthday. After the mass, Mayor of Ursensollen Albert Geitner, parish council spokesperson Marion Baumer, chairman of the church administration Egid Koller and president of the nurses association Josef Huf and secretary Lisbeth Franz brought congratulations and a gift. In glorious weather, a champagne reception was held in front of the church. All visitors had the opportunity to personally congratulate the pastor. The pastor was particularly pleased with the visit of his grandnephews from Aachen and Stuttgart with their families.

Rosemary Rowse

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