New ways to fight the lack of care: 28 trainees, including 11 Indians, start their career in care

International cast at the start of training: 28 junior nurses, including eleven young women and men from India, complete their training from today at the Institute for Nursing and Health Professions in St. Marien-Hospital Mulheim an der Ruhr. Management, nursing and school management, pastors as well as trainers and teachers prepare a friendly welcome on the first day (Photo: Nils Stakemeier / SMH)

Mulheim an der Ruhr. Institute of Nursing and Health Professions Again Offers Highly Attended Nursing Specialty Education

Shortage of nurses? This year, the St. Marien-Hospital Mülheim an der Ruhr (SMH) with its own training center, the Institute for Nursing and Health Professions (IPG), counteracts the nursing shortage with a new concept. For several years, about 90 junior staff have started nursing training at the IPG on April 1 and October 1. There are currently 174 (please update) young people in training. This year, 11 of the 28 young men and women are from India. The SMH breaks new ground with this. Today there was a day of welcome and meeting for the junior collaborators.

The community is capitalized. The five Indian women and six Indian men look forward to working together and exchanging ideas with participants of the same age. You traveled to Germany in March to get used to the new country. The international cooperation was made possible by the recruiter, Sabine Dreiling-Beitz. During the selection process, interviews were conducted in German via videoconference. Director of Nursing Maik Stanczyk was enthusiastic about the level of communication and the behavior of the candidates for nursing training: “We saw very motivated and open-minded young people. The overall appearance was very convincing, so we are happy to be able to train men and women at and for the St. Marien-Hospital Mülheim an der Ruhr, ”explains the Director of Nursing enthusiastically. For director Susanne Lehmann, the situation is not unfamiliar: “In the past, we have often had Indian nuns as trainees. We feel well prepared.”

The St. Marien Hospital in Mülheim an der Ruhr is also the practical support for the eleven trainees. Other practical sponsors are the Hildegardis district, the Christophorus district, the Elisabeth district, the Franziskushaus and the Amicu society.

The course leader is Martina Wilbert-Oelze, teacher for the nursing professions. In collaboration with the training managers of the practical providers, she coordinates the theory and practice of the general training to become a specialized nurse.

To get the youngsters off to a successful start, the IPG team, led by Susanne Lehmann, together with the three trainers from the nursing department of St. Marien Hospital in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Alexander Siebrecht, Vanessa Janssen and Marc Stier, have developed a varied program.

To sue

Rosemary Rowse

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