More and more Indian CEOs are leading American tech companies

Sundar Pichai, Arvind Krishna, Shantanu Narayen and Satya Nadella

A good education and great ambitions lead many Indians to management positions in the biggest companies.

(Photo: dpa)

New York, San Francisco What do the CEOs of Microsoft, Alphabet, the mother of Google, Adobe and IBM have in common? They were all born in India, went to school and university there and then rose to the top of the business.

At 2.7 million people, Indians make up just 0.6 percent of the US population as a whole and only 6 percent of the approximately 45 million foreign-born Americans. But at the top of tech companies, they are disproportionately represented.

According to observers, there are two main reasons for this: first, the education provided in the best Indian universities. On the other hand, growing up in India can mentally prepare you for a managerial career abroad.

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Rosemary Rowse

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