Modi’s Guest on National Day – Politics

The traditional French national day military parade took place this year with the participation of India. The guest of honor is Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 240 Indian soldiers and three Indian warplanes also took part in Friday’s march. Modi’s visit was meant to honor the 25 year strategic partnership between the two countries. “Giant of world history, with a decisive role for the future, strategic partner, comrades,” President Emmanuel Macron tweeted. “I am pleased to welcome India as the guest of honor in this July 14 parade.” The reception by Modi at the Élysée Palace in the afternoon should also address deep strategic cooperation – keeping in mind an increasingly powerful China, among other things. Official confirmation of India’s purchase of 26 Rafale fighter jets and three submarines has been expected. “After 25 years of partnership, this is a major step forward which will strengthen interoperability between our navies in the service of stability in the Indian Ocean,” said French Naval Chief of Staff Pierre Vandier.

After the recent riots in France, new riots were feared on a national holiday. However, most were absent on the evening of July 14, said Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. Property damage was less than in 2022. Nevertheless, the ministry reported 97 arrests and 218 burning cars across the country, reported the newspaper “Le Parisien”. Rioters set fire to an elementary school in Mont-Saint-Martin, on the borders with Luxembourg and Belgium.

Ambrose Fernandez

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