Mayor of Roßwein, Veit Lindner, bids farewell

The mayor says goodbye

Cancer ruined his plans. After 21 years as mayor of Roßwein, Veit Lindner must pass the baton. How the disease changed his life, what he still wishes for and what he is grateful for.

horse wine. If Veit Lindner had been successful, his fourth term as mayor of Roßwein would begin on Monday. After 21 years as mayor, still full of energy, he would have loved to pilot and direct the fortunes of his city. Fate has put a stop to the work of the 53-year-old man. Veit Linder was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in mid-September last year. At the beginning of February, with a heavy heart, he publicly announced that he could no longer stand for re-election in June. He was still far from accepting his fate. He is still mad at his body. “It’s not right, it’s outrageous,” he says, who has always lived a healthy life, exercised and taken preventative precautions every year. In the meantime, Veit Lindner has made some peace with his situation. He is ready to embark on his new life. And hopes this life gives him a few more years than the five he has in mind, watching stories similar to his own.

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Rosemary Rowse

"Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Web maven. Infuriatingly humble creator. Typical tv specialist. Music aficionado. Proud explorer."

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