Japanese garden – create, design, maintain

Japanese gardens are enjoying increasing popularity these days. This is particularly evident in the design of our home gardens.

Many garden enthusiasts consciously rely on elegant design elements to give space to the balance and tranquility of Asian culture. But how do you create an Asian-style garden and what are the design options?

Lay out and design a garden

When designing an Asian garden, the emphasis is on order and structure. This is shown by demarcated areas and clear lines. In addition, only pastel colors and simpler colors are used.

Bright colors, as often used in India, are rare in a Japanese garden. On the contrary, elegant and discreet objects find their place. These are particularly important, because the garden should be like a place of relaxation. In Asia, it is significant that the garden gives peace and strength. But the simple color scheme does not in any way mean that the Japanese garden looks dull.

On the contrary, because in the end it’s them rare and extraordinary plant speciesthat bring your garden to life. It is important that your own garden gives strength. This ends up affecting physical and mental health. A crowded garden that has lots of bright colors can be distracting and interfere with relaxation.

Particular attention should be paid to flower pots so that unusual plant species are emphasized. Stylish and high quality planters for the Japanese garden impress with their appearance.

They add style and structure to the home garden. They look discreet and subtle. Your very own Japanese garden exudes a certain calm that helps you relax. At the same time, the focus is on the different plant species. It is important that spending time in one’s own garden helps to recharge one’s own energy reserves.

The more structured the garden, the better a person can relax. But the color should not be suppressed, because the different colors also have an important meaning in the Asian region. Reddish flowers represent strength and warmth, while yellow flowers represent patience and wisdom.

Anyone who transforms their garden into a Japanese oasis of well-being can improve their own health. But one rule should not be broken when creating and designing. calm and harmony are crucial factors that every Japanese garden should convey.

The healing and health benefits of plants

In Asia, plants have a special meaning. They have a healing effect, improve the room climate and promote your own health. This becomes clear when you look around a Japanese desk.

Healing office plants are not only used for decorative purposes, they are also intended to improve performance and concentration. Healing and health-beneficial plants help to improve the air and people can concentrate better.

Office workers are more efficient, creative and productive. At the same time, however, they are balanced and relaxed. Stress, as we know it in Germany, rarely finds its place in Japan. A healthy lifestyle is essential for the Japanese people. stress and restlessness however, are detrimental to health.

Rosemary Rowse

"Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Web maven. Infuriatingly humble creator. Typical tv specialist. Music aficionado. Proud explorer."

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