India: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's party leads in parliamentary elections

After the parliamentary elections in India, there are signs that the Prime Minister's party will win Narendra Modi on. After a quarter of the votes were counted, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was leading with 39.9 percent of the votes, the election commission announced. This would give the BJP and its coalition partners at least 281 parliamentary seats. 272 seats are needed to obtain a majority.

If these trends are confirmed, Modi will enter his third term in office. The incumbent had declared himself the winner on Saturday. “I can say with confidence that the people of India voted in large numbers to re-elect the NDA government,” he wrote in X, without citing any evidence.

According to TV reports, the opposition led by Rahul Gandhi's Congress Party could be much stronger than expected and gain more than 200 seats in the lower house. Before the election, analysts had predicted around 120 seats for the Indian alliance.

The election, which lasted several weeks and involved nearly a billion eligible voters, ended on Saturday. According to initial reports, participation was quite good, namely 66 percent. Due to its dimensions, voting is carried out in seven stages.

Even after a decade in power, 73-year-old Modi remains popular among a large section of society. His opponents have been weakened by internal power struggles and politically motivated criminal proceedings. Modi's political opponents and international human rights groups have long complained of a decline in democracy in the country.

Ambrose Fernandez

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