India: more than 90 dead after the collapse of a pedestrian bridge

More than 130 people are believed to have died when a suspension bridge collapsed in western India. Indian media consistently report 132 deaths, citing government officials. The NDTV television channel reports that 177 people have been rescued, according to the India time two other people are missing.

The accident happened on Sunday evening (local time) in Morbi in the state of Gujarat, reports the newspaper India time and local media. Many victims fell from the bridge into the water. Indian Army, Civil Defense and Indian Air Force are still searching for survivors.

The bridge was reopened this week

The pedestrian bridge over the Machchhu River was reopened this week after renovations, he said. The building dates from the 19th century and is a tourist hotspot in the town of Morbi. At the time of the collapse, many people were on the suspension bridge. Strong India time there were about 400 people, according to broadcaster NDTV even about 500 people. An investigation is ongoing, Gujarat Labor Minister Brijesh Merja told NDTV. “We are shocked. An investigation is ongoing,” Gujarat Labor Minister Brijesh Merja told the broadcaster.

Images and videos on social media show how the structure appears to be collapsing in the middle and several people are hanging on to avoid falling overboard.

Broadcaster NDTV reports that the bridge was renovated by a private company and opened without official approval on the state’s New Year’s Day on October 26. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s office announced on Twitter that compensation would be paid to the families of the victims.

Rosemary Rowse

"Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Web maven. Infuriatingly humble creator. Typical tv specialist. Music aficionado. Proud explorer."

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