How many peanuts a day are healthy?

Whether for studying, for long car journeys or for snacking during a break: peanuts give you a lot of energy. But there is one thing you should pay attention to when buying legumes.

Peanuts often provide us with an extra portion of daily energy and contain many nutrients – but sweet legumes are also real calorie bombs. Therefore, you should taste them in moderation. But how many peanuts are healthy?

peanut ingredients

Peanuts are a real superfood. This is how they contain:1

But also a high fat content

Despite the many nutrients, one thing should be kept in mind when buying peanuts: buy them in their natural state. “We recommend unsalted and unroasted peanuts,” says nutrition expert Jasmin Scholz from the Consumer Advice Center Bremen. “This saves extra salt and fats during production.”

Hazelnut legumes not only contain a lot of vegetable protein, but also a lot of fat. “The high fat content makes it an energy-dense snack with nearly 600 kilocalories per 100 grams.” You can also occasionally enjoy legumes for cooking or as a creamy porridge. “A handful of peanuts is a healthy amount,” says Scholz. That’s about 30 grams per day.

Peanuts are so healthy

Despite their high fat content, peanuts have a positive impact on cholesterol levels by lowering them.2 Plus, according to the study’s notes, they improve vascular function — and may help with weight loss.3.4

Also interesting: 5 nuts that can help you lose weight

Regional Peanut Alternatives

Peanuts are not grown locally in Germany, but are imported from other countries such as Argentina, China, India or the United States. “If you want to use regional nuts, you can use local hazelnuts and walnuts,” advises Scholz.

From a climate protection perspective, peanuts still perform better than almonds or cashews, according to the consumer advice centre. The reason: your crop requires less water. While one kilogram of almonds requires between 10,000 and 15,000 liters of water before harvesting, one kilogram of peanuts requires around 2,800 liters.


Rosemary Rowse

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