Honors – Frankfurt am Main – Grzimek Prize for Environmental Defenders of Brazil and India – Panorama

Awards – Frankfurt am Main:Grzimek Prize for environmentalists from Brazil and India

Live from the dpa news channel

Frankfurt/Main (dpa) – The Bernhard Grzimek Prize of the KfW Foundation, endowed with 50,000 euros, was awarded on Wednesday evening in Frankfurt to two young environmentalists from Brazil and India.

Rohit Singh, 39, received the award, given for the fifth time, for his commitment to rangers in protected areas around the world. Singh is committed to recognizing the achievements of rangers, connecting them globally and improving their working conditions.

Walelasoetxeige Paiter Bandeira Suruí, 25, of the indigenous Paiter Suruí people, receives the award for her commitment to climate protection and the rights of indigenous peoples. She started a youth movement in her home region with the aim of putting indigenous peoples at the center of conservation efforts.

The prize bears the name of the former director of Frankfurt Zoo, Bernhard Grzimek, who campaigned for nature conservation with numerous television programs and in particular with the film “Serengeti Shall Not Die”.

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