Halal products are banned in the state of Uttar Pradesh

In India, halal labels are now banned in the state of Uttar Pradesh, the country’s most populous state, with 240 million people. Authorities cited deceptive commercial practices and the fight against terrorism. The decision could impact forty million Muslims.

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With our correspondent in Bangalore, Like Bastin

Through a decree, Yogi Adityanath, the extremist Hindu monk who leads the state of Uttar Pradesh, ratified the act on Sunday, November 19. All products are Halal certified (complying with Islamic dietary laws) of concern, especially meat, but also dairy and certain cosmetics.


The decision followed an information report submitted by a Hindu resident to the local police. The order states that halal products will create unhealthy economic competition in the name of religion, deceive consumers, incite disunity, and fund terrorism.

In Uttar Pradesh, Muslims have been victims of harassment since there was a ban on the consumption and sale of beef. With the ban on halal products, many small sellers and restaurants are in the spotlight of the authorities. Violators risk prison sentences.


The halal certification body wants to take legal action over the unfounded decision. Even though the campaign for the election of the next Prime Minister is in full swing in India, it remains to be seen how this shocking measure will be applied to the forty million Muslims in Uttar Pradesh.

Also readIndia: religion is once again the central theme of the upcoming legislative elections

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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