Gas accident in an Indian textile factory, dozens of workers…

New Delhi – More than 112 workers have been hospitalized after a gas leak at an Indian textile factory. The incident happened in Atchyutapuram district in the state of Andhra Pradesh, police said today.

Indian television channel NDTV reported that around 200 workers lost consciousness in June due to a gas leak in the same area.

An investigation has been opened into the cause of the new incident, senior police officer Mr Upendra said. The condition of all those affected is stable, there are no deaths, he stressed.

NDTV and the TV channel IndiaToday reported that the women in the textile factory had become nauseous working late last night, and many had vomited. The situation was again under control.

Two years ago, at least five people were killed by a gas leak at a chemical factory in Andhra Pradesh. Hundreds of residents of the city of Visakhapatnam had to be hospitalized after fainting in the streets.

In 1984, around 3,500 people were killed when poisonous gas escaped from a pesticide factory owned by then US giant Union Carbide in Bhopal, central India. Thousands more have died in the years since from damage sustained in the incident.

There are different reports on the total number of Bhopal casualties. The Bhopal disaster remains one of the worst industrial disasters in history. © afp/

Rosemary Rowse

"Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Web maven. Infuriatingly humble creator. Typical tv specialist. Music aficionado. Proud explorer."

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