Entry Requirements for India Yoga Trips

India is the country of origin of yoga, which is growing in popularity in Europe. The physical aspect of yoga in particular is practiced by millions of people to relax the mind and strengthen the body. In India, one can attend excellent retreats or programs to deepen the philosophy and practice of yoga or to undergo yoga teacher training. You should entry requirements and apply for an appropriate visa in good time.

yoga in india

Yoga originated in ancient India, where the main objective was to calm the mind and free one’s consciousness from everyday worries and suffering. Humans yearned for a state of absolute consciousness that would no longer be clouded by worldly influences. Meditation is an important part of yoga practice.

Modern yoga as we know it in the western world, on the other hand, is primarily associated with poses, flexibility, and physical fitness. Today Yoga is practiced all over the world and for various reasons, be relaxation and sanity are often in the foreground. For yogis and those aspiring to become one, a trip to India can bring new perspectives, relaxation and lasting health benefits.

Yoga retreats and workshops

Countless yoga retreats are offered in India, each representing different strands of philosophy at large. This is why it is particularly important before leaving to know which site corresponds to your personal ideas and objectives. Traditional yoga schools focus specifically on the lifestyle and philosophy behind yoga, while more modern retreats focus more on the physical aspects of yoga and have adapted to modern and western lifestyles. What is special about yoga schools in India is that the very high quality of most courses and programs is relatively affordable. This applies to both shorter retreats and longer term training.

A tourist visa is sufficient in most cases

For short yoga programs and retreats, a tourist visa is sufficient. This also applies to most courses that last less than six months. A student visa is often required for courses and programs longer than 6 months. This also applies to shorter programs where training is provided by a government accredited institute and an official certificate or diploma is awarded upon completion. However, this is not the case with most yoga schools, so a tourist visa is usually sufficient. If in doubt, it is best to contact the relevant yoga school.

Apply for Indian tourist visa online

So, a tourist visa can be used for most yoga trips in India. The visa can The easiest way to apply is online. You can choose from three different variants:

  • The tourist visa for a stay of 30 days
  • Tourist visa valid for one year
  • The tourist visa valid for five years

The 30 day visa is the most popular as it is the cheapest option. With the other two visas, longer stays and multiple trips to India are possible. If you want to visit India several times a year, you can use a visa with a longer validity period. It should be noted, however, that none of the tourist visas allow you to spend more than 180 days per year in India in total.

The application process

In order to apply for a visa for India, one must first fill out a short online form. The form should be filled with passport details, some personal information and some details of travel plans. Once the form is completed, the required documents can be uploaded. All travelers must submit a recent photograph and a digital copy of their passport. Once this is done, the request can be processed. Generally, India visa applications are approved within a week, but in exceptional cases there may be delays. Therefore, it is recommended to submit the visa application as soon as you have decided on the exact travel dates.

Rosemary Rowse

"Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Web maven. Infuriatingly humble creator. Typical tv specialist. Music aficionado. Proud explorer."

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