New Delhi (AP) – A major fire at a building in India’s capital New Delhi has claimed the lives of at least 27 people. Twelve other people were injured in the fire at the four-storey house in Mundka district on Friday, Delhi Fire Chief Atul Garg told reporters.
At least 50 people were rescued from the building, some jumping out of windows, eyewitnesses said, according to media reports. The fire started on the first floor of the house where there was a company producing security cameras with easily flammable materials.
The flames spread to other floors and formed a huge conflagration, Garg said. The exact cause of the fire was initially unknown. The building did not have a fire department safety permit, nor was it equipped with firefighting equipment, Garg said.
Two arrests
The two owners of the business – two brothers – were arrested on suspicion of breaching fire regulations. This was announced by the Prime Minister of New Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, during a visit there. The owner of the building would have gone into hiding. Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered his condolences to the families of the victims. Authorities have announced compensation.
Accidents and fires are relatively common in India. Poor fire protection systems, lack of emergency exits and outdated electrical systems are often the causes. In 2019, a fire in a factory in Delhi killed 43 people.
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