Disaster in India: many dead after a fire in New Delhi

Status: 05/14/2022 12:07 p.m.

More than 25 people have died in a major fire in the Indian capital New Delhi. Many were injured in the fire in a multi-storey building. According to firefighters, the house was not sufficiently protected against fires.

A fire in a commercial building in the Indian capital New Delhi has killed at least 27 people. Information on the wounded varies: the authorities put forward the figure of at least twelve, the media speak of at least 40 wounded.

At least 27 people die in major fire in New Delhi

Tagesschau 12:00 p.m., 14.5.2022

The fire started on the first floor of the four-story home and quickly spread to other areas where flammable plastic and cardboard were stored, authorities said. At least 50 people were brought to safety. More than 20 firefighters were deployed to extinguish the flames.

Two arrests

The cause of the fire has not yet been definitively determined, but police have arrested two owners of a company that manufactures security cameras. The fire broke out in his office. The building has not been approved by firefighters and does not have fire protection equipment, Fire Chief Atul Garg said.

A woman and other people fear for relatives who were in the building at the time of the fire.

Image: AP

Indian President Ram Nath Kovind offered his condolences to the families of the victims. “Wishing a speedy recovery to the injured,” he tweeted.

regulations are often ignored

In India, it is common for building codes and safety standards to be ignored by both builders and residents. The consequences also include fires that have claimed many lives in the past.

Great fire in New Delhi

Peter Hornung, ARD New Delhi, May 14, 2022 11:14 a.m.

Rosemary Rowse

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