The new “Action Alliance for Heat Protection Berlin”, initiated by the Berlin Medical Association, the German Alliance for Climate Change and Health (CLEVER) and the Department of Science, Health, Nursing and Equal Opportunities of the Senate, has drawn up heat protection plans for the Land of Berlin in collaboration with numerous players in the healthcare system.
Today they were introduced at a press conference with Ulrike Gote, Senator for Science, Health, Nursing and Equal Opportunity. Berlin thus assumes a pioneering role, because there is no large city or federal state in Germany where health actors play a central role in the creation and implementation of heat protection plans. extreme. However, effective measures are urgently needed, as the heat can be deadly, especially for the elderly and pre-ill.
Ulrike Gote, Senator for Science, Health, Nursing and Gender Equality, explains: “In addition to consistent climate protection, we also need to adapt to the climate crisis so that our cities remain places to live for everyone. In order to protect Berliners from the health consequences of extreme heat, we have drawn up heat protection plans together with numerous health actors, which must now be quickly known and implemented in the Berlin health system. Because the next heat wave with health hazards for the Berlin population will certainly come.
As well Dr. PD Medical Peter Bobbert, President of the Berlin Medical Association emphasizes: “Between 2018 and 2020, there were around 1,400 heat deaths in Berlin and Brandenburg alone. The heat is a real hazard for people with pre-existing health conditions, pregnant women, young children, and anyone who works outdoors. Heat waves put the lives of older people and people with pre-existing conditions at risk, especially those who live alone. As a society, we must protect vulnerable groups from this danger. The number of people who are already dying here in Berlin because of the climate crisis is underestimated. »
But heat-related health risks can be reduced quickly and significantly. “We need to fully understand the hazards and systematically develop and implement heat protection plans in all healthcare settings,” he said. medical doctor Martin Hermann, CEO of CLEVER – German Alliance for Climate Change and Health eV “We have already developed a concept for acute heat waves in recent weeks and presented it at the press conference. This is an important signal for Berlin, but also for other cities and federal states.
The fact that heat is one of the greatest health risks caused by the climate crisis has already been demonstrated this year again in India and Pakistan. According to the forecast, there will also be many more hot days with temperatures well above 30 degrees Celsius in Berlin in the future.
Broad alliance for the implementation of Berlin’s heat protection plans
The Berlin Medical Association, the German Alliance for Climate Change and Health (CLEVER) and the Senate Department of Science, Health, Care, and Equal Opportunity have joined forces to form the first National Heat Protection Alliance. Together with Berlin experts from partner organizations, heat protection plans with checklists for five sectors (hospital area, outpatient area, public health service, fire brigade/disaster control, care) of the healthcare system have been developed.
partner organizations
A.W.O. State association Association registered in Berlin
Berlin fire brigade
Berlin Hospital Society
Charity – Berlin University Medicine
Berlin Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians
Service Partners
- Ulrike Gote, Senator for Science, Health, Nursing and Gender Equality
- Dr. PD Medical Peter Bobbert, President of the Berlin Medical Association
- medical doctor Martin Hermann, chairman of the board of directors of CLEVER German Alliance for Climate Change and Health eV
Contact details are available on request from the press offices listed below.
contact details
Olé Eggert
Press officer
Berlin Medical Association, public society
Such. : +49 30 408 06 – 41 10
E: [email protected]
doctor phil. Therese Hollerbach
Press officer and public relations
CLEVER – German Alliance for Climate Change and Health eV
Such. : +49 151 51923899
Email: [email protected]
Laura Hofman
Press officer
Senate Department of Science, Health, Nursing and Gender Equality
Such. : +491511 625 4820
Email: [email protected]
On the new site from the German Alliance for Climate Change and Health eV you will receive information and training material as well as information on events in the field of heat protection.