Climate Connect Digital achieves carbon neutrality for fiscal year 2021-2022

Digital Climate Connect (CCD)

LONDON, Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/

Digital Climate Connect (CCD), a leading provider of climate technology solutions, today released its greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory for fiscal year 2021-22 (April 2021 to March 2022) and announced the implementation of measures to offset emissions. them GHG inventory report includes broadcasts from all company employees, trainees and consultants globally, including the UK, Spain, Malaysia and India.

According to the GHG Protocol, CCD can only be considered for Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions. one tonne of CO₂ equivalent. Scope 3 emissions, which include activities such as business travel, customer domain cloud server usage, transmission and distribution losses, and working from home, were calculated at 141,179 tCO2e. It should be noted that emissions related to working from home represent a significant part of scope 3 emissions.

To offset these emissions, CCD has high-quality offset certificates with a mix of renewable energies ( VCU-1946) and nature-based projects ( VCU-1477) acquired only at treason are registered. CCD recognizes that offset credits are not a long-term solution, but an effective short-term step towards global emission reduction goals. The company is committed to discovering new ways to reduce its carbon footprint and doing its best to implement them quickly.

The report on Emissions Assessment and Disclosure of Offset Allocations has been prepared in accordance with the GHG Protocol, Standard Corporate Accounting and Reporting Methodology and India’s GHG Scheme. Emission data has been verified by external auditors TUV India Pvt. checked. Ltd ( the TUV report is available here).

Nitin TanwarCommenting on the development in London, , the company’s founder and Chief Ecosystem Officer, said: “Carbon accounting is the first step towards net zero emissions. Remote work caused by the pandemic has significantly changed our scope 3 emissions mix. As a worldwide net zero service provider, we understand the complexities of carbon data management and place the utmost importance on data integrity. We have therefore decided to verify our broadcasts through an established external auditor, although we are not obliged to do so.

Read the full report here.

Information about Climate Connect Digital

CCD has over a decade of experience providing carbon advisory services and software solutions for the climate and clean energy sectors. The company is based in London with major offices in the UK and India. It has a diverse team working remotely around the world, and more than 50% of employees are involved in technology and data science. The company uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop robust net zero solutions to climate change problems. CCD has helped governments, large organizations, carbon project developers and independent businesses make better decisions with their carbon portfolios.

At CCD, we believe that the transition to a low-carbon economy is essential to the health of the planet and the long-term success of businesses. We are committed to helping our customers succeed in their net zero journey and building a more sustainable future for all.

You can reach us at [email protected] Tel. : +44 7932730229

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