China and India – New withdrawal from the Himalayan border – Politics

The two nuclear powers, China and India, have begun withdrawing their troops from another point on their disputed border in the Himalayas. This is the result of discussions between military representatives of the two countries on Thursday, the Foreign Ministry in Delhi said. President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Modi are also expected to meet at a Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Uzbekistan next week, local media reported. Relations between the two most populous countries in the world are strained. In the summer of two years ago, there was a deadly incident on their border, in which soldiers from both sides attacked each other with stones, sticks and fists. It was the worst such incident in decades, with deaths on both sides. The two countries then reinforced their troops there. Meanwhile, talks have resulted in some troop withdrawals. The two Asian rivals have different views of the border in the largely uninhabited mountains at 15,000 to 18,000 feet. Their dispute over the border had led to a brief war in the 1960s, which China won.

Rosemary Rowse

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