India before elections: “YouTube Educators”

On: April 17, 2024 16:12 Millions of followers, billions of video views: The anti-government video made by political influencer Dhruv Rathee received an overwhelming response in India. This may be a nightmare for Hindu nationalists in India. When Dhruv Rathee

Top Indian badminton player dies from electric shock

Badminton News: Sad news surrounds the Indian badminton federation. Bengal's top men's doubles and mixed doubles badminton player Trinankur Nag reportedly died due to electric shock and suffered severe burns on Monday (26/11). The 26-year-old was electrocuted while working on

Encephalitis breaks out in India

Encephalitis continues to occur in India. /dpa (archive image) New Delhi – At least 146 children have died from acute encephalitis in northeast India since the beginning of June. Most of the victims in the state of Bihar were under

Corruption charges: Delhi Chief Minister arrested

[–> Die Ermittler schlugen am späten Abend zu, wahrscheinlich um Proteste zu vermeiden. Das Haus des Regierungschefs der Hauptstadtregion Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, war von Polizisten umstellt. Nach einer zweistündigen Befragung wurde der Chief Minister, wie das Amt in Indien heißt,