Madhya Pradesh state police in India have arrested a man because a video of him urinating on someone in public went viral on social media some time ago. The man is Pravesh Shukla. He is now accused of violating laws
Indonesian para-badminton athlete, Syakuroh Qonitah Ikhtiar (doc. Fox) Solo: Indonesian athletes successfully carried out the task of defending the overall title at the FOX’S Indonesia Para Badminton International 2023 event. In the final held at the GOR Sritex Arena,
Solo: Indonesian athletes successfully carried out the task of defending the overall title at the FOX’S Indonesia Para Badminton International 2023 event. In the final held at the GOR Sritex Arena, Solo, Sunday (10/9), the team red and white successfully
Medan: In Indian men’s singles, Kiran George won the BNI Indonesia Masters 2023 badminton tournament after beating Japan’s representative Koo Takahashi in the final. In the match which took place at GOR Pancing, Medan, North Sumatra on Sunday (10/9/2023) afternoon,
Medan: Tommy Sugiarto’s men’s singles campaign in the BNI Indonesia Masters 2023 badminton tournament ended in the semi-finals. In the match held at Pancing Sports Hall, Medan, North Sumatra on Saturday 9th September, the men’s singles born on 31st May
Medan: Lanny Tria Mayasari/Ribka Sugiarto’s progress in women’s doubles in the BNI Indonesia Masters 2023 badminton tournament has not been blocked. They continued to progress until reaching the final. In the match held at GOR Pancing, Medan, North Sumatra on
Subang – Hundreds of gateball athletes from 18 provinces of Indonesia and several Indian athletes showed their action at the Sariater tourist attraction, Ciater District, Subang Regency, Wednesday (23/8/2023). Gateball Athletes Action is one of the tournaments themed around the
Surabaya – East Java Province (Jatim) has produced badminton or badminton athletes who have managed to perform brilliant feats on the national and international stage. One of them is Kevin Sanjaya. The badminton athlete in men’s doubles won several championships,
Dahlan Iskan NEW DELHI, NATIONAL – It turns out that the formalization of religion took place in the modern era. India, whose population is predominantly Hindu, has begun to emphasize its ideology as a religious state. Namely Hinduism.
Medan: The pair Meilysa Trias Puspitasari/Rachel Allessya Rose won the battle between Indonesian representatives in the round of 16 of the BNI Indonesia Masters 2023 badminton tournament. In the match held at GOR Pancing, Medan, North Sumatra, Thursday ( 7/9/2023),