Austria: Bishop of Eisenstadt on church visit to India

Diocesan Bishop Ägidius Zsifkovics and Burgenland Governor Hans Peter Doskozil have been visiting churches in the Indian partner diocese of Kanjirapally in Kerala since Wednesday. The Diocese of Eisenstadt has established a partnership with the ecclesiastical province of India that has existed for more than 40 years, the diocese announced Thursday.

The background to this visit was “to explore the possibility of recruiting workers, including nuns and seminarians, who could be used for nursing and health services in Burgenland”. The program includes discussions with bishops of partner dioceses as well as those responsible for dioceses and training management. Questions about training, course nostrification and legal principles should be clarified.

In addition to Bishop Zsifkovics, the Governor of the State of Doskozil, State Councilor Leonhard Schneemann, Caritas Director Melanie Balaskovics and those responsible from the health and social services sector of the Burgenland state government will take part in the trip, which runs until February 1, according to the statement .

As part of the trip, social projects supported by the Diocese of Eisenstadt will be visited, among others. The diocesan fasting campaign and Caritas Diocese of Eisenstadt promote projects in the fields of education, health, social, as well as church building and seminars. Among the projects are, for example, the “Angel Village”, an orphanage for more than 200 children and teenagers with intellectual disabilities, as well as a sewing workshop for Dalit women. The Diocese and Caritas also supported emergency relief during the 2018 tsunami, where housing projects and emergency shelters were built for people affected by the tsunami.


In 1981, the then Bishop of Eisenstadt, Stefan László, visited the South Indian diocese for the first time and laid the foundations for lasting exchanges. Bishop Paul Iby and Bishop Ägidius Zsifkovics have expanded this partnership further. Priests, nuns and brothers from partner dioceses already work and live in Burgenland; They are involved in, among other things, parishes, hospitals and social institutions.

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Ambrose Fernandez

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