New Delhi (AP) – After several fatal incidents with wild elephants, an animal known to be aggressive has been resettled in India. Kerala Forest Minister AK Saseendran said he now lives in a tiger reserve and is doing well, according to The Times of India.
According to the Indian Express, 150 officials were busy catching the elephant for many hours. Last weekend, the wild elephant was finally knocked unconscious by arrows.
The inhabitants of the elephant house had been demanding their resettlement for several months, as reported by the local press agency PTI, among others. According to this, the animal would have entered the houses several times to look for rice. The Indian Express, citing officials, reported that there have been several fatal incidents involving elephants in the area and the one who was moved was one of them.
Initially, the local authorities wanted to capture the elephant and keep it in captivity in Kerala. However, animal rights activists blocked this plan in court. The keeping of animals in captivity is criticized, so elephant leaders are expected to beat the animals into accepting the dominance of humans.
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