A year that makes sense: Volunteering moves: Lea de Birgitz goes to India

After graduating from high school, Lea Klassenhammer from Birgitz will perform voluntary, unpaid social service in Gedilam, India, starting in August.

Lea Klassenhammer (19) from Birgitz successfully completed the five-year training course at the Catholic Pedagogical Institute for Primary Education (KBAfEP) in Innsbruck with the Matura. However, she will not immediately look for professional challenges and reports on other tasks she wants to face in the next ten months.

social engagement

“I was looking for new challenges and new perspectives and from August, I am going to Gedilam/India as a volunteer with the development association ‘VolontariatMD’ for ten months”, says Léa, announcing her objectives. The experience she gained there will also benefit a daycare centre. After her return at the end of June 2023, she will enter the professional world as a teacher.

Volunteer work moves

… is an initiative of “Youth One World” and the Salesians of Don Bosco. The areas of work are clearly defined, according to the future volunteer: “In my unpaid voluntary social work, I will work in a prevention and training project for street children. My activities are pedagogical assistance in nursery and primary school, school support and tutoring. in English and mathematics as well as leisure activities. »

team work

Such social work is not done alone, but in pairs. Telfs’ Lena Hallbrucker will also travel to India with Lea Klassenhammer. This was preceded by numerous information events, in particular testimonials from young people who had already completed an internship. “We want to have many great and rewarding experiences, but we also realize that we will face many new challenges,” Lea knows the task.

Tamil culture

The operational area in India is described as follows: Gedilam is a very small village located in the southeastern state of Tamil Nadu. The region, characterized by mountains and hills, borders the Indian Ocean to the east and south. The state has a rich animal and natural world, which is threatened by a dense population and the associated destruction of natural habitats. The main language of this region is Tamil. Tamil culture is part of the overall Indian cultural tradition, but it differs significantly from the rest of India. Lea Klassenhammer also has a clear goal in this regard: “Of course, we will do our best to learn this language as much as possible. It will certainly be exciting.”
However, it will not bring the local Tyrolean color to India, announces without compromise the sutler of the Birgitz rifle company. “The traditional costume and the Schnapspanzele are staying home and taking a break until next year!”

The passionate rider will give up this sporting activity during her stay abroad.

sponsors sought

Lea Peisenhammer has another special concern: “I am looking for sponsors or donors for my work. I am happy for every small contribution to improve the living conditions of underprivileged children and young people a little in Gedilam. Thank you to everyone who support.”
Donation account payable to: VOLUNTEERING removals – internship program:
IBAN: AT71 3600 0000 0011 8000
RLB Tirol
Purpose of donation: 0152 Lea Klassenhammer Volunteer Program

Rosemary Rowse

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