Festivals – hundreds of thousands of oil lamps lit for the Indian festival of lights – culture

New Delhi (AP) – On the eve of the Hindu festival of lights Diwali or Deepavali, the Indian city of Ayodhya has staged a huge sea of ​​lights. Nearly 1.6 million oil lamps were lit there – a world record, as local media reported on Monday.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Uttar Pradesh state government chief Yogi Adityanath held a corresponding alleged confirmation of the Guinness Book of World Records in pictures from the local news agency. An independent official confirmation from Guinness was initially not available. The city was previously recognized by Guinness for the largest oil lamp exhibition to date – in 2021 for over 900,000 lamps.

The Diwali Festival of Lights, also called Deepavali in some regions, is one of the most important festivals in Hinduism and has a similar meaning to Christmas for many people in Germany. During the test, families get together and decorate their homes with lots of lights. They honor Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. The festival also celebrates the victory of good over evil – or the victory of light over darkness.

According to Hindu belief, the city of Ayodhya is the birthplace of the most important god Ram. There were also fireworks and a laser show in the city for the festival of lights.

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Rosemary Rowse

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