Health: Delicious review and criticism of tea

PABNEUKIRCHEN. There was a critical and delicious tea review at the parish center in Pabneukirchen. Tanja Ortner from the Katholisches Bildungswerk was able to welcome the lecturer Elisabeth Feichtner and many interested people not only from Pabneukirchen.

Controlled cultivation tea
First of all: tea, black tea, green tea, white tea, etc. must be appreciated in controlled culture. This has two advantages. They are not sprayed with pesticides. Tea producers are better rewarded for their hard work when you buy fair trade and organic tea.

Caffeine works longer
After water, tea is the most consumed drink in the world. As Elisabeth Feichtner informed, caffeine works faster when you enjoy a cup of coffee. When you drink a cup of tea, the effect lasts longer.
The history of tea begins in China. The largest tea producing regions are in China, India, Kenya and Sri Lanka. The enjoyable lecture provided insight into the cultivation, processing, social and ecological issues of tea production and the importance of the global tea trade.

Various infusions also called tea

In a broader sense, tea is also referred to as a hot infusion beverage prepared from leaves, buds, flowers, stems, barks or roots of other plants, especially herbs or fruits.

tea and health

Depending on the preparation and the leaves, flowers and other parts of the plant that are infused, the tea can wake you up or make you tired, quench your thirst, aid digestion, relieve cold symptoms and pain, and help fight against the stress and sleep disorders in a natural way. way.

Rosemary Rowse

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