There are people on earth

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14/11/2022 05:30, — printed item Send an email

Eight billion people inhabit the earth today. In recent decades, this number has increased at a faster rate. More and more people will live in Africa in particular. Will this continue?

A particularly large number of people live in China and India.  The population is increasing, especially in Africa.  Photo: Rajanish Kakade/AP/dpa
A particularly large number of people live in China and India. The population is increasing, especially in Africa. Photo: Rajanish Kakade/AP/dpa

One one followed by nine zeros: This is what the number one billion looks like. Eight billion people live on earth today. The experts appreciated that. It would be necessary to add as many people each year as currently live in Germany. Are there people on earth? We answer a few questions about it.

Why is the world population increasing?

In short, when more people are born into the world than people die, the number of people increases. There are several reasons that influence the growth. People’s health, wealth and education are crucial. Many children are often born in poor countries. The poorest families there are more dependent on children. They have to work so that the family can have enough food. In addition, there is a lack of contraception, for example. Thus, women become pregnant unintentionally. In rich countries, on the other hand, people tend to have fewer children or none at all.

Where do most people live?

Most people currently live in China and India. About three billion people live in the two Asian countries. India would be the most populous country next year. The United States, Indonesia and Pakistan follow at some distance. Relatively few people live in European countries. In Europe, Turkey and Germany are the most populated countries.

Is the number of people increasing at the same rate everywhere?

no A particularly high number of children are born in certain regions of Africa. The continent’s population is expected to almost double to a good two billion by 2050. In other countries like Japan, the number of people is even decreasing. This would also be the case in Germany. But since people come to Germany from other countries, the number of people there remains quite stable.

Is the world population growing faster and faster?

200 years ago, there were still a billion people on the planet. Then the number kept increasing. In 1928 it was two billion, ten years ago it was seven billion. But now the number is not growing so fast. From 2080, growth should even stop. Then about ten to eleven billion people would live on earth. dpa

Rosemary Rowse

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