Tata industrialists will build one of the largest iPhone factories in the world

In India, Tata industrialists are preparing to build a giant iPhone factory, putting 50,000 jobs at risk. An encouraging announcement for the government which is trying to develop the industrial sector. The factory will be located in Tamil Nadu, not far from where Taiwanese manufacturer Foxconn already produces iPhones.

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With our correspondent in Bangalore, Like Bastin

There is already an iPhone factory in India, namely the Taiwanese manufacturer Foxconn. But with the project being led by Tata, the country’s oldest and most powerful industrial group, it will be an Indian company that will assemble the famous smartphone.

The Tata Group has bought a factory owned by industrialist Watron, also owned by Taiwan. It will take another two years to commission the remaining production lines, which are still under construction. According to the government, Tata’s iPhone factory will be one of the largest in the world and will employ 50,000 people.

This announcement raises optimism as developing India’s lagging industrial sector is a priority. In an economic forum this week, Director of the Government Technology Center Nity Ayog reiterated this.

In 20 years, India can become a major industrial power. But everything will be decided in the next three years, because many companies based in China want to reorganize their production chains “, he said.

Compared to China, India faces competition from other countries that want to join this movement, such as Vietnam, India, Turkey, Mexico or Bangladesh.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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