Pistorius in India: billion-dollar submarine project planned

As of: June 7, 2023, 5:09 p.m.

During a visit by Minister Pistorius to Mumbai, Germany and India signed a declaration of intent for a billion-dollar submarine project. New Delhi is looking for a partner for the production of six submarines.

German and Indian shipbuilders signed a letter of intent for a billion-dollar submarine project during Defense Minister Boris Pistorius’ visit. Representatives from ThyssenKrupp Marinesystems (TKMS) and Indian shipyard Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders in Mumbai laid the foundations for a total of six submarines to be delivered.

“We have sent a very important signal today,” Pistorius said. This is an “important milestone” for a “flagship project in a key technology.” During his visit to the Indian port metropolis, the Defense Minister visited the installations of the Indian armed forces and the shipyard.

The government in New Delhi is looking for a cooperation partner for the local production of six submarines in India, but has not yet made a decision. Spanish and South Korean bidders are also reportedly in the running. The possible amount of such a transaction was recently mentioned as being more than five billion euros.

Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders is India’s only submarine and destroyer construction company. The Indian company has 1,500 employees. If awarded an order, TKMS would be responsible for the construction and design of the submarines as well as consultancy activities, and Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders would be responsible for the construction and delivery, as announced German society. The new submarines would be built in India “and would thus make a significant contribution to local added value”.

The project has been negotiated for several years, but it could now become the first major step in deeper military cooperation between Germany and India. The day before, after the discussions in New Delhi, Pistorius had called for India to be considered in the future as a strategic partner, like Australia and Japan, and thus to considerably facilitate cooperation in weapons matters.

Rosemary Rowse

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