How do expats live in India?

New Delhi

India’s dynamism also attracts German companies to the country. It also provides career opportunities for expatriates.

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Life in India leaves traces. For Elias Marini Schäfer, this became clear at the latest when he visited a doctor in Germany. “He examined my lungs and wanted to know if I was a heavy smoker,” the 26-year-old recalled. “I never had a cigarette in my hand in my life.” It’s not tobacco that’s to blame, but where he lives: Schäfer has been working in the Indian capital New Delhi since 2021, which regularly tops the global air pollution rankings with its high level of fine dust pollution.

India is the most populous country in the world. The densely populated megacities of the subcontinent sometimes experience the longest traffic jams in the world. In addition, heat waves with temperatures above 50 degrees are increasing.

But of course there are also the good sides. In an interview with Handelsblatt, two expats reveal what fascinates them about life in India, what is important in social life and what is difficult for them.

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Rosemary Rowse

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