These seven globules can help

Homeopathy is also an alternative treatment for dogs. It can help with a variety of illnesses. We have listed seven globules for dogs.

Homeopathy for dogs: These seven globules can help. – Depositphotos

the essentials in a nutshell

  • Homeopathy can also be a solution to dog health problems.
  • Many veterinarians now swear by homeopathic remedies for dogs.

Treating your beloved pet’s minor ailments doesn’t have to be complicated. The bond between you and your dog plays an essential role in homeopathy.

“Cells clearly respond to homeopathy,” says Dunya Reiwald. She runs practices for animal homeopathy in Bern and Zurich.

“Of course, homeopathy cannot mend broken bonds or reverse any other irreversible damage,” Reiwald continues. In principle, homeopathy is useful as long as the animal’s vitality is high enough.

Homeopathy: Seven useful globules for your dog

These seven globules for dogs can help treat animals homeopathically. The globules are easy to put in the mouth of the dog. Without any pain or fear for the animal.

Horse Chestnut Globules (Aesculus)

Horse chestnut (Aesculus) globules can be effective in inflaming the anal glands.

Horse chestnuts (Aesculus) in the form of globules for the health of dogs. – Depositphotos

Additionally, horse chestnut globules can help reduce swelling in the legs and feet associated with poor circulation.

Chasteberry Globules (Agnus castus)

Chasteberry Globules help calm dogs prone to anxiety or easily stressed. This can help reduce hyperactivity and provide a sense of well-being and balance.

Monks pepper (Agnus castus). – Deposit photos

Chasteberry is also good for urinary tract health. The diuretic properties of chasteberry balls help eliminate toxins and promote the proper functioning of the urinary tract. This can reduce the risk of infection and improve your dog’s overall health.

Deadly Nightshade Globules (Belladonna)

Deadly Nightshade (Belladonna) can help with various ailments such as nervousness, joint inflammation and parasites/ticks in the body.

The deadly nightshade in the form of homeopathy, resp. The globules can be useful for joint pain. – Deposit Potos

But also with inflammation of the breast tissue, febrile infections and nerve pain.

Milk Thistle Globules (Silybum marianum)

Milk thistle globules can be an excellent natural remedy for many canine health issues. The herb contains silymarin, which helps protect the liver and improves its function.

Milk Thistle Globules (Silybum marianum). – Depositphotos

It also helps reduce inflammation in the body. Milk thistle globules can help with digestive issues, kidney stones, and gallbladder disease. If the dog is attacked by hookworms in the intestine, milk thistle globules can be a good alternative.

Eyebright (Euphrasia) Globules

Eyebright (Euphrasia) Globules can relieve chronic and acute eye problems including conjunctivitis, styes, blepharitis and corneal ulcers. It is particularly useful for animals prone to recurrent eye infections.

Stephanskraut Globules (Staphysagria)

St. Stephen’s weed in globule form may provide the same benefits as in humans, including calming anxiety.

Homeopathic remedies for dogs are available in the form of globules, but also in the form of drops. – Depositphotos

Digestive problems like diarrhea and vomiting as well as joint pain are relieved. Staphysagria is also often used for tooth decay and barleycorns. In addition to beads, Stephanskraut can also be administered in the form of drops.

Cocculus Globules (Kockelskorn)

Cocculus Grain (Cocculus Grain) for Dogs helps relieve your pet’s nervousness and restlessness. Cocculus Globules are extracted from the seed of the cocculus plant, native to India and Pakistan.

If the dog is homesick and nauseous during a trip, cocculus globules can help. The dog’s travel-related nervousness is reduced and he appears much calmer and more relaxed.


Do you want to try the globules for dogs?

Rosemary Rowse

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