Film – Song at the Oscars: Indian Prime Minister Modi praises German dance video – culture

New Delhi (AP) — Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has praised a dance video from the German Embassy in India for the recently Oscar-nominated song. “The colors and flavors of India!” Modi wrote on Twitter. “Germans can dance clearly and dance well.”

Ambassador Philipp Ackermann and his team danced to the Indian song “Naatu Naatu” from the movie “RRR” amidst the bustling old town of the capital New Delhi and shared a professionally produced flash mob video on Twitter during of the weekend. The diplomat wrote: “Germans can’t dance?” And: “Okay, far from perfect. But funny!”

The video received lots of views, comments, shares and was featured in many local media. The Germans got the idea from the South Korean embassy, ​​which released a dance video of the same song a little over a month ago, also earning praise from the Prime Minister, who is very active on the social networks. He tweeted at the time: “A lively and charming group effort.” Previously, many people in India shared their dance performances to the song on social media.

In his tweet, the German ambassador called on other embassies to follow suit. His British colleague Alex Ellis wrote: “Hmmm. Interesting….” Ackermann wore Indian clothes in the video and most Indian and German embassy workers were either in kurtas or lederhosen and dirndl. Everyone had practiced the dance for about a minute for two hours with a choreographer in the ambassador’s garden, the embassy spokesman said.

The original video for the Oscar-winning song “Naatu Naatu” was shot outside the baroque Palace of the Virgin Mary in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, the ceremonial residence of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy before the war.

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Rosemary Rowse

"Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Web maven. Infuriatingly humble creator. Typical tv specialist. Music aficionado. Proud explorer."

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