Conference: India is the most populous country

Grafenwoehr. Chaplain Raveendra Reddy Ponnapati says of his home country, India: It is the most populous country and a completely different world.

Chaplain Raveendra Reddy Ponnapati gives a lecture on India. Photo: Renate Gradl
Many interested people came to the conference.  Photo: Renate Gradl
Many interested people came to the conference. Photo: Renate Gradl
Conference: India is the most populous country
Women’s Association President Doris Schreglmann presented a donation. Photo: Renate Gradl

chaplain Raveendra was happy that so many interested people came to his lecture on India at the youth house. Until two months ago China was the most populous country, now it’s India with around 1.40 billion people. Unlike Europe and Germany, India is a completely different world with many languages ​​and cultures. The largest religious group is Hinduism with 80.5%. The proportion of Christians is 2.3%. In numerical terms, this corresponds to as much as in Germany. The most important food in India is rice.

The first movie

The chaplain also showed excerpts from his film India Primiz and said, “People have great faith in priests. For them, a priest is almost like God. Kaplan Raveendra has been a student for 20 years and has lived in Germany for seven years.

Gift of the Women’s Union

President of the Women’s League Doris Schreglman finally thanked the chaplain for his interesting and humorous lecture and presented him with a donation of 200 euros, which is to be used for a project in India.

Rosemary Rowse

"Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Web maven. Infuriatingly humble creator. Typical tv specialist. Music aficionado. Proud explorer."

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