“From the field to the fan”: A journey through the Indian cotton region

As part of the journey that begins now, a visit to smallholders and cotton cooperative fields is planned. Raw material processing factories are also visited and a visit to a sports and youth festival is planned. The main goal is to make an impression on the spot, to enter an exchange and to gain other valuable impulses for your own conversion to more durable merchandise items.

“From the field to the fan-shop” also allows children and young people from cotton-growing areas to participate in sports training and educational opportunities. Women and girls in particular stand to benefit. With the “Sport for Development” program, the BMZ uses sport in a targeted manner to improve the prospects of children and young people in developing and emerging countries in the areas of education, employment opportunities, health , gender equality and peaceful coexistence. Here too, GIZ supports the initiative in order to improve living conditions in the surrounding communities. This is done in cooperation with a local Indian NGO.

Rosemary Rowse

"Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Web maven. Infuriatingly humble creator. Typical tv specialist. Music aficionado. Proud explorer."

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