How The Lesson Works Dlf Nova

Happiness can certainly not be bought, but can it be learned? Happiness is taught as a subject in New Delhi. ARD correspondent Sebastian Manz watched the lessons.

Since 2018, many children in New Delhi have taken happiness classes. The happiness class is for children from three to fourteen years old, one hour a day. The purpose of the subject is to prevent mental illness among students. The seventh graders Sebastian Manz attended started their happiness lesson with a short meditation.

Then they wondered what money meant for human character, says the ARD correspondent. He reports from the Indian capital. First meditation, then discussion is a very typical course of such a teaching unit for a slightly older group.

“Delhi introduced happiness classes four years ago due to the increasing number of mental illnesses, such as depression, found in children.”

New Delhi-based ARD correspondent Sebastian Manz on lessons in happiness

In terms of character, these hours of happiness are a kind of safe space for children and young people, the teacher explained to him. Children must reveal everything they think. “Then there’s usually a question for the older kids every hour that you work and deal with for the rest of the hour,” says Sebastian Manz.

Feels less aggressive

For the little ones, it starts with learning to slowly savor sweets. Bullying, exam anxiety and the relationship with parents are also addressed for older children. The aim is also to achieve a respectful interaction between the children.

“I think I perceived an above average level of harmony, certainly in the class I observed.”

New Delhi-based ARD correspondent Sebastian Manz on lessons in happiness

The teacher said the fist bumps between children, which were almost daily a few years ago, have now completely disappeared. So for Sebastian Manz, it seems that the focus on mutual respect worked well in the class he attended.

Rosemary Rowse

"Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Web maven. Infuriatingly humble creator. Typical tv specialist. Music aficionado. Proud explorer."

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