Germany Development Policy 2023 | Minister Svenja Schulze

What gives me courage for 2023 is the new Brazilian government led by President Lula: Brazil now has the opportunity to move away from an economy based on the destruction of forests. The country has the best prerequisites for sustainable agriculture and a green hydrogen economy. We will discuss with the new Brazilian government a partnership that addresses the socio-ecological restructuring of the economy as a whole.

What decisions are needed in 2023?

In order to get back on track with the Global Sustainable Development Goals, we need the right levers that can be used to achieve multiple goals at the same time. Perhaps the greatest lever of development policy is the empowerment of women. Strong women move societies as a whole forward. This is why we at the Ministry of Development specifically align our project portfolio with this.

A second lever is that of social safety nets. Half of humanity, four billion people, currently has no access to social security, for example in the event of unemployment, maternity, disability or accident at work. This must change. Social security helps those affected, but it is also a particularly good investment in development: it makes societies more resilient and fights poverty, hunger and inequality. Social security is also the method of choice in the face of climate damage – here we want to continue to deploy the Global Climate Risk Shield in 2023. The aim is that help is available before the damage caused by climate change does not occur, so that action can then be taken quickly.

A third lever is the reform of the World Bank. To advance the necessary socio-ecological transformation, we also need major international players in development policy, such as the World Bank. We want to reform it to meet the global challenges of tomorrow. For example, it must become more attractive for developing countries to use World Bank loans for climate protection or nature conservation. Because developing countries often lack the money to meet ambitious climate goals, even if they know it.

What should happen internationally in these areas – and what role can Germany play in it?

The fight against hunger, poverty and inequality, just like successful climate protection, must also take place at the multilateral level in order to have a noticeable impact. Our role in this regard is to forge progressive alliances and coordinate well with other key players. In 2022, as the G7 presidency, we have already initiated a number of things with our international partners: the alliance for global food security and the global climate risk protection shield. We will continue. What is new is that we want to play a leading role in the field of social security in order to provide social security to more people with international partners. In terms of climate protection, we are also working with the G7 on a new energy transition partnership with India. Because India, which will soon be the most populous country in the world, plays a crucial role in achieving global sustainability goals.

Svenja Schulze is Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development.


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