Yogeshwar: What Scholz doesn’t understand about India

Moderator Rangar Yogeshwar hopes India and China will become stronger economically – and thus replace the US and European economic powerhouses in the near future.

20/04/2023 | 01:29 min

India will soon become the world’s most populous country with over 1.4 billion people – or have already ousted China from first place, it depends. According to the UN, this can hardly be shown seriously.

The United Nations Population Fund predicts that it will be ready by the middle of this year. Then India will take the lead over China with a population of almost three million people.

India’s population continues to grow. According to forecasts, in 2100 the country will even have twice the population of China.

14/04/2023 | 00:33 min

India has ‘always been non-aligned’ according to Yogeshwar

One thing is certain: India will decisively shape the coming decades, economically and politically. Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar, the son of an Indian engineer, warns in this context: The West must not make a mistake with India in the emerging conflict between the US and China.

“A great effort is – for example on the American side but also somewhat indirectly on Mr. Scholz’s part – to say: ‘Come to our side!'” He told Markus Lanz on Wednesday night. “And that is a misunderstanding because India has always been non-aligned,” continued Yogeshwar.

Yogeshwar called for a rethink

Chancellor Olaf Scholz traveled to India in February and met Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Scholz wants to tie India closer to Europe – also against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine.

Yogeshwar called for a rethink, both in relation to India and China. “At this point, the West would do well to have a new perspective on these countries and not, as in the old category, consider very precisely: What can I do with them now? Or how can I pull them aside or even intervene in politics?”, he said.

But to understand: No, the world today is completely different.

Ranga Yogeshwar, science journalist

India is in an “awakening” phase

After 400 years of colonialism and “humiliation” there is now a “phase of awakening, also of confidence” in India. India and China can no longer be “governed”.

Countries like Germany still view India “through the lens of opportunity, sometimes even colonialism”. You have to ask yourself, for example: “If you bring skilled workers here, you get them from somewhere else – is that fair?”

About the political and social structure of India and the strategic partnership of the Republic, about the culture and geopolitical and economic interests of Asian countries

20/04/2023 | 44:12 min

Germany’s shortage of skilled workers in the IT sector is a “big problem”

To address the shortage of skilled workers in Germany, Scholz has pledged at the Indian IT center in Bengaluru to lower the hurdles for Indian IT specialists to immigrate.

Germany has a “big problem” in this area, Yogeshwar said: “And here you have a country with smart people, where of course you slowly think: ‘Okay, if they work for us, then our business is still doing well. . If we can’t find skilled workers, then we have a problem.'”

On his way to India, Scholz campaigned for more skilled workers from India to come to Germany. India has not only become more important to Germany.

26/02/2023 | 01:11 min

Yogeshwar: The Prime Meridian can pass through Beijing or Delhi

India and China, “these will also be the economic centers of the future,” added Yogeshwar. The important question is whether Europe is ready for this. Here people still think of themselves as “the navel of the world” and do not even realize “that something completely different is emerging gradually.”

Yogeshwar attaches this global change to a specific example and encourages the following considerations: “We have a prime meridian, which currently passes through Greenwich. Before it passes through Madeira or Paris. Well, it always passes through the countries that are responsible. Perhaps now is the time to say: ‘Meridian must pass through Beijing or Delhi soon.'”

Ambrose Fernandez

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