With 15 percent female pilots, Air India has the largest number of female pilots

Air India announced on Wednesday that 15 percent of its 1,825 pilots are female pilots, making it an airline with the largest number of female pilots.

To mark International Women’s Day, Tata Group-owned Air India, along with Air India Express and AirAsia India, have scheduled more than 90 all-female crew flights, and the airlines have been operating these all-female crew flights on domestic and international routes since March 1. March, according to a press release.

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“Of the 90+ flights operated by all-female cockpit and cabin crew, Air India operates 40 flights to domestic and international locations, while AI Express operates 10 exclusively international flights to the Gulf route and AirAsia India operates over 40 flights within India” , it was said.

According to the airline, women make up over 40 percent of Air India’s workforce, with 275 of the 1,825 pilots being women, accounting for 15 percent of cockpit crew strength, making it an airline with one of the largest number of female pilots.

Air India CEO and Managing Director Campbell Wilson said India has the largest number of female commercial pilots in the world.

“As more Indian women pursue careers in aviation, we are achieving gender equality in the workforce. We are proud of the female workforce that joins us at Air India today and we thank each and every one of them for sending a strong message that women can excel in every area,” he said.

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At Air India Express and AirAsia India, more than a third of the workforce are women.

“Several women play key roles in various departments including finance, commercial, human resources, customer satisfaction, flight training, technology, flight dispatch, engineering, security and operations control. The two airlines have a total of 97 women pilots,” the press release said.

Sybil Alvarez

"Incurable gamer. Infuriatingly humble coffee specialist. Professional music advocate."

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