Winning 4 billion rupees in the lottery, many Indians want to get into debt

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Not happy, a man in India even dazed after winning the lottery of 3 million US dollars or about 4 billion rupees. He was dizzy because a lot of people suddenly want to get into debt.

The resident named Anoop expressed his confusion through a video titled “Malayalam Kesengsaraan after winning the lottery” which he uploaded on social media.

“Every day things get worse. I can’t leave the house [karena setiap orang mengenal saya] even when I’m wearing a mask,” he said, quoted WIONMonday (26/9).

He then said, “To avoid attention, I move from place to place and go back and forth to relatives.

However, people still came to his house and asked for financial help.

“I didn’t get any prize money, but no one believes me,” he said.

Anoop will also not receive the full prize. This amount still needs to be taxed. In the end, he will only pocket about 1.9 million US dollars or about 1.9 billion rupees.

“I’m a person who really doesn’t understand taxes and how much money I get,” Anoop said.

Anoop then said that whenever the gift was received, he kept it in the bank and only used it a few years later.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

In the video, Anoop is seen holding his son who looks sick and is coughing.

Anoop’s monthly income is usually only around Rs 20,000 or around IDR 3.7 million. With this income, he had to feed the four members of his family.

After winning the lottery, Anoop wants to spend more time with her family in peace, but that simple wish doesn’t easily come true.

“I was in a situation where I couldn’t enter the house, even my neighbors were angry because there was a crowd near my house,” Anoop said.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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