When the enchantment of two Yogyakarta regencies comes down to Jogja Exploride

TEMPO.CO, Yogyakarta – Events sports tourism pedaling together to bulldoze Indonesia’s two largest districts Yogyakarta titled Jogja Exploride aroused the enthusiasm of 250 tourists from various regions. The event, which was organized by DI Yogyakarta Tourist Board on Sunday, October 30, was a non-competitive event so that various groups and different types of bikes could participate.

“We invite participants of this event to travel through various destinations in Sleman and Kulon Progo regencies,” Yogyakarta Tourism Board Chief Singgih Raharjo said on Monday, October 31, 2022.

The participants took the 65 kilometer route with a start and finish at the Jogja Return Monument or Monjali.

Different from events sports tourism On the other hand, in this case, the quota allocation was almost one hundred percent for residents outside of Yogyakarta. “We have allocated a larger number of participants from outside Yogyakarta so that this sports tourism event will be more widely known among sports fans who plan to visit Yogyakarta at the same time on weekends,” said Singgih.

During this event, participants are also invited to stop occasionally at checkpoint a destination to rest while capturing the rocking moment. For example, participants are advised to take a rest after traveling 25 kilometers to be exact at the legendary destination of Ancol Bligo in Kulon Progo which is not well known to tourists outside of Yogya.

Ancol Bligo is the area where the famous waterway of Yogyakarta, namely the Mataram Sewer, begins. There is a sluice which drains water from the Progo River to the Mataram Sewer which divides the area from the city of Yogyakarta.

Not only do they have an important function as the backbone of the irrigation system that irrigates the paddy fields of Yogyakarta, but Ancol Bligo and Mataram Sewers have a long history as they were built during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia.

Participants were also invited to walk through the Kreo Bridge Culture Park Water Station. Kreo Bridge is an exotic bridge that connects Minggir sub-district, Sleman, to Kalibawang sub-district, Kulonprogo

In this event, all participants are required to wear a helmet bike for safety and to ensure that the bicycle is in good condition, safe and suitable for use.

As this is not a competition, participants are asked to follow an average speed of 17 to 25 kilometers per hour. The speed also adapts to the contours of the route traveled and is set by the group leader or road captain.

The route along the start and finish of this event is a smooth tarmac road for bikes to pass road bike effortlessly. The roads are public roads, rural roads and comb river paths.

“With an event like this, we hope to keep moving forward sports tourism which is beginning to reactivate after the pandemic, while strengthening Yogyakarta as one of the cities for cycle tourism,” Singgih said.

Read also: Challenges of global recession, Yogyakarta targets national tourism potential

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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