When is the best time to cheat on a meal?

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – All dieters want and need at the same time cheat meal. When you’re feeling pressure, eating with your favorite treats can be the right comfort. However, when is the best time to consume it?

Pooja Makhija, a certified nutritionist in India, recently talked about the best times to cheat meals or indulge in your favorite treats. He said the best meal time was the first obedience of the day.

“It’s called the power of chronobiology. The body burns twice as much at 8 a.m. as at 8 p.m. So that’s what always gives rise to the breakfast debate. It’s always better to have breakfast than to skip it, especially if it’s a time-limited meal. So while what you eat is important, when to eat is also more important,” he said in an Instagram post as quoted by Indian Express on Saturday, December 10, 2022.

Foods such as pancakes or chocolate and cheese topped with maple syrup are also fine as long as you eat them for breakfast or lunch. Some people may not be able to eat when they wake up, but plan to be able to eat higher-calorie foods in the morning rather than during meals like dinner.

Karishma Shah, integrative nutritionist and wellness coach, also explains how to treat yourself occasionally with treatments while managing your health and ballast.

“I think pre-workout or post-workout are the best times to eat something with more calories, as it helps metabolize and does not raise insulin levels too much. But when you’re not working out and eating pancakes for breakfast, one way to turn that cheating feeling into a pleasant one is to take a brisk walk after eating. Take a brisk walk 15 minutes or 30 minutes after eating as this will help balance sugar levels,” he said.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, to stay healthy, eat healthy foods 80% of the time and give the other 20% calorie control.

Dietitian Garima Goyal also talks about the best times to cheat meals.
“Studies have shown that a hearty breakfast and a light dinner help you lose weight. “Eating heavier meals at night increases the risk of obesity, central obesity and increases fasting sugar levels and HbA1c, leading to metabolic syndrome.”

It also talks about how the body’s metabolism is significantly faster during the day than at night. So, heavy meals really upset the digestive system, making it difficult to digest food at night, causing acidity. Therefore, prioritize health and try to eat cheat foods that contain sugar and fats during the day, not at night.


Read also : Eating vegetables regularly, but difficult to lose weight? Here are 4 reasons

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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