‘Wajo Red Zone’ South Sulawesi Lawmakers Speak Out After Indian Men’s Love Rejected

Wajo – Outrage on social media Wajo district is branded as a red zone in South Sulawesi (Sulsel) after an Indian’s claim was rejected. South Sulawesi DPRD member Ismail Bachtiar spoke about a phenomenon that netizens are busy talking about.

Ismail admitted Wajo was labeled a red zone due to two cases in the area. The first is linked to the daughter of a member of the Wajo DPRD who abused a parking attendant, to the Indian Asib Ali Bhore whose candidacy was rejected by the Wajo daughter, Syarifha Haerunnisa Alis Nisha.

“(Wajo’s term red zone is discussed as a form of) netizens’ joke on social media. Due to Ali’s virus problem (a man from India),” Ismail told detikSulsel, Sunday (26/2/2023).

However, the PKS faction legislator believes that internet users’ jokes on social media can create a negative impression. The reason is that Wajo Regency has some positive things that should be highlighted.

“People think Wajo is a red zone, Wajo is the wrong place. I’m still sure there are many other things that need to be emulated in Wajo,” he said.

According to him, talking on social media has the potential to change public perception. Moreover, what netizens are busy talking about are only negative impressions, even if only in the form of satire or even a joke.

“It’s just a joke, it’s just worried that it won’t become a national public perception. Almost all social media chatter leads this way about Wajo,” Ismail explained.

He hopes residents, especially netizens, will use social media wisely. According to him, Wajo has traces as a place for students.

“That’s why I asked to stop talking about the red zone. Wajo is the district where the teacher’s teacher (study),” he explained.

“We learn the moral values ​​of Wajo. Wajo is actually not like that. Wajo is one of the districts in South Sulawesi that has the best human resources,” Ismail explained.

Ismail thinks there is still a lot that can be imitated from Wajo Regency. The region is also known for having many mosques and Islamic boarding schools.

“I’m sure there are still many things we need to emulate from Wajo. There are the heroes of La Maddukelleng, there are thousands of mosques and Islamic boarding schools in Wajo, As’adiyah in particular” , did he declare.

Ismail was also reluctant to respond to Wajo’s case which went viral on social media. However, he stressed that one or two incidents should not give Wajo a bad image in the eyes of the wider community.

“I believe in Wajo there is still a lot of optimism. Insha Allah there will still be a lot of good things. Let’s get back to Wajo. Let’s not let Haerunnisa tarnish the name of Wajo,” Ismail said.

Wajo Viral Red Zone on Social Media

Netizens are known to be busy discussing the rejection of Indian Asib Ali Bhore who came all the way from his country to propose to the girl he adores in Wajo, Syarifah Haerunnisa aka Nisha. But unfortunately, Ali’s proposal was rejected by Nisha’s family.

It also created an uproar in the virtual world until recently Wajo was called a red zone. “Wajo Red Zone“, wrote @lestari1007 in his video content via his TikTok account.

The parody video also invited comments from netizens. Many netizens sarcastically and sarcastically said they refused to set foot in Wajo.

In the morning there was a phone call, ordering 1,000 chickens but asking to be delivered to Wajo.“wrote the account @puarankkngepet.

The news has spread widely… so even planes would rather fly over the Bermuda Triangle than have to cross Wajo“, continued @NeixySTORE.

Learn more on the next page.

Watch the video “Sitting case of Jukir beating the son of a DPRD member, the two parties have not reconciled


Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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