Vladimir Putin: Meeting with Chinese President planned! What does the Kremlin tyrant want to talk about with Xi Jinping?

Vladimir Putin will meet a senior Chinese official in Vladivostok on Wednesday. A meeting with Xi Jinping is also planned for next week. Will there be further rapprochement between the two dreaded dictatorships?

Since the beginning of the Ukraine war, the relationship between Russia and China increasingly becoming an international focus. Friendly relationship Wladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are viewed with great concern by the West. Experts warn that the Asian nation may be the Kremlin’s despot support by military means can. Others believe China’s influence over Russia will grow in the years to come. On Wednesday, Putin plans to meet Li Zhanshu, China’s third most powerful politician, at the 7th Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. Another meeting with President Xi Jinping is planned for next week. What will they discuss?

Vladimir Putin wants to meet Li Zhanshu and Xi Jinping

Noisy “Express.co.uk” The meeting between Vladimir Putin and Li Zhanshu on Wednesday was the “highest face-to-face meeting between Moscow and Beijing since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine”. Nothing is said about the possible content of the conversation.

Over the weekend, Russian President Vladimir Putin and China’s head of state and party leader Xi Jinping will meet in Uzbekistan, according to a senior Russian diplomat. According to the TASS news agency, Russia’s ambassador in Beijing, Andrei Denisov, told reporters on Wednesday that the two leaders would meet on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

SCO meetings are scheduled for Thursday and Friday next week. This will be the first face-to-face summit of the group’s leaders since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the Russian ambassador said.

China has not confirmed meeting with Russian president

However, China’s foreign ministry has not confirmed the meeting. “I have no information regarding this matter,” Mao Ning’s spokesman told the press. It will be the Chinese president’s first overseas trip since early 2020.

The two presidents last met at the opening of the Winter Olympics in Beijing in early February. After Russia’s subsequent invasion of Ukraine, the Chinese leadership steadfastly supported Putin and portrayed the United States and NATO as the main actors of the conflict. In addition to Russia and China, the Shanghai cooperation organization also includes India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

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