TEMPO.CO, mataram – Bank Indonesia West Nusa Tenggara (KPw BI NTB) Representative Office has pioneered the use of the Indonesian standard Quick Response Code (SQRI) for the payment of motor vehicle tax (PKB). The service is in collaboration with NTB One-Stop Manunggal Administration System (Samsat) and NTB Syariah Bank.
“This service was launched to facilitate the service to taxpayers,” NTB Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) Head Eva Dewiyani said Monday, July 18, 2022.
Eva said using QRIS can make it easier to pay taxes. Also, there is certainty on nominal tax payments and reduces the number of arrears.
The use of QRIS also aims to explore tax revenue potential. So far, according to Eva, 70% of local revenue (PAD) comes from motor vehicle taxes. The PAD 2022 target is set at IDR 2.5 trillion.
The target comes from a vehicle tax of Rs 546.7 billion and a Motor Vehicle Registration Number (TNKB) of Rs 417 billion. According to Eva, this year’s tax potential comes from 1.7 million vehicle items, an increase of 9.5% over last year.
NTB Governor Zulkieflimansyah said changing cash payments using QRIS was a challenge for people to adapt to the age of technology. Like when the paper era changed, people gradually understood the convenience and benefits.
“Paying non-monetary taxes with this app will also change people’s habits so that the goal of change is achieved,” he said.
Head BI representative NTB, Heru Saptaji, said that in addition to providing convenience, convenience and speeding up the service, the use of the QRIS digital application is intended to enable proper management of the region’s economic data. Moreover, the economic growth of NTB would be high.
“For economic growth to also embrace digitalization which has great potential in the future, including the payment system,” Heru said. He also gave an example of using QRIS for parking in Mataram. Target projection punishment also increased to Rp 8 billion.
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